Professional SEO & digital marketing solutions with Complete White Label
What is Complete White Label?
Complete White Label offers link building and content services to marketing agencies and growing businesses.
The current industry landscape
Currently in the industry there are a lot of white label digital marketing providers who are not transparent about what they do, and are simply in it to make money without caring about the end result for their clients. This inevitably means that quality suffers, and clients are left jaded about white label providers across the board.
Why Complete White Label was created
The company started because director James Crabtree was sick of working with white label providers who just didn't do a good enough job. Whether that's with the quality of content they were providing or the level of insights he, as a customer, had in the process, he knew he could create a company that did a better job.
Complete White Label's vision
His solution was to create a website that offered link building and content service, but gave the customer the option to pre-approve their order at every stage (something the industry is still very much behind in doing). For example, all content orders have unlimited amends, and all link orders give the customer the option to pre-approve the publishers Complete White Label work with, and the content that is provided to them. This means there's no nasty surprises and that the agency or business owner is proud of the feature the company obtained for them.
Customer story
Complete White Label recently had a customer, Michael, who simply told them that their transparent approach is the best he's ever seen when it comes to link building. Again, this is because a lot of providers just aren't offering this level of transparency.
About the team
The core team is James, as director and overseer of operations, and Ellen who is head of outreach. Without Ellen, the company wouldn't be able to place high-authority features for their clients in a timely manner - she has been an incredible asset for the sustained growth of the company!
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