MyEdMaster and its students are out to create a better Educated, Healthier World
What MyEdMaster does?
MyEdMaster is a tutoring, research and technology company that’s out to change the face of education and health in the world.
The Current Landscape
The US Department of Education finds that most students perform below grade level. Tutoring is the proven but very expensive cure for the problem. Healthcare costs are skyrocketing, forcing many people to sacrifice greatly just to keep their families healthy.
Company Birth Story
MyEdMaster was founded in 2009 by Dr. John Leddo, an educational psychologist with a PhD from Yale University. Dr. Leddo started MyEdMaster so that all people could get high quality educations and be empowered to achieve their dreams. What makes MyEdMaster special is that its students are partners in the quest. They conduct educational research and, to date, over 200 students have worked together to publish over 50 papers in scientific journals. The students themselves, under the supervision of Dr. Leddo and other professionals, are creating the cutting-edge AI our technology uses.
The Solution
In education, we’re building a fully-automated, online tutoring service that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide 24/7 tutoring to anyone who needs it, while reducing the price of tutoring by 98%. We have peer-reviewed, published scientific research that shows that our technology is more effective in teaching than competitor technology (we beat Khan Academy by 80% and Pearson’s electronic textbooks by 300%) and even teaches better than human teachers do (by 37%). No student using the technology has scored below 70% on a post-test while the average score is 90%. With our technology, students no longer fail.
The software emulates a human teacher. As students learn, they can verbally ask the software questions as they would a human teacher and get answers. After a lesson, the software speaks to them and asks them questions to make sure they understood the lesson. If students give a wrong answer, corrective instruction is provided. After the question and answer, students practice problems. However, unlike with most other software, students enter work step-by-step, not just the answer. The software’s AI evaluates each step and explains what students did wrong when mistakes are made. Students can even request hints when stuck. The software looks at the work students did so far before giving the hint. Students can even enter their own homework into the software and still get the same step-by-step help and feedback.
In health, we are creating a wellness and longevity app. There has been a lot of research showing how people can slow down and even reverse their aging process. This research is continuously evolving and hard for people to keep up with. Our app uses machine learning to process the latest research on wellness and longevity. When it hits the market, people will be able to enter their lifestyle information and get personalized recommendations on what they can do to live longer and healthier. The goal is to create a healthier population that lives longer with more productive years.
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